• Why sleep?

    What do you think about when falling asleep at night? Do you understand the meaning of the day you just had? What is the purpose of sleep? Why is sleep important for some and less for others? What is a dream? What is a nightmare? What happens when the Body sinks into sleep?

  • Do you believe in Miracles?

    Do you believe in Miracles? Do you believe in what the Bible says about Jesus of Nazareth? Do you believe that the Soul can act on the Body? Do you believe that it is possible to heal all the Diseases of the Body?

  • The body, a fabulous instrument

    Your body is a fabulous tool. An instrument that you must take care of and get to know. Why? Because it is with it that you will travel your path towards Our Father. The Church and religions, by denying the Body, have once again caused deep damage. Religions are plagues, and it is high time that humanity gets rid of them as soon as possible.

  • A healthy mind in a healthy body

    ‘A healthy mind in a healthy body’ is an adage full of wisdom that shows how much our distant ancestors had acquired knowledge that is still lacking in this so-called modernity. Modernity is an illusion, a baseless stupidity, a monstrous flaw in intelligence and reasoning. There is nothing modern about having wasted thousands of years just shedding blood and sowing the Earth with all the most horrible plagues. Those who do not understand the value of past teachings have invented Modernity to try to camouflage their stupidity and ignorance.

  • What is a tear?

    Tears. Have you ever thought about what a tear is? Why do we cry? What is the purpose of it? The mechanics of the body that make a man or a woman cry are known to you. But do you know what it means to cry from laughter or cry from sadness?

  • Do you know why your Heart beats?

    Do you know why your Heart contracts and expands to circulate blood? It’s a muscle with nerves, you might say. Well, that explains the how, the mechanics, but not the why. Why does it sometimes stop like that too? You know, “his heart stopped beating”.

  • What have you understood about the body?

    The Body. What have you understood about your body and that of animals? What do you really know? You have a basic understanding of the mechanics of bones and structure but the essential escapes you.

  • Who do you believe can heal you?

    You are in pain, you are suffering, the medications of men dull you and you are heading straight towards death. You don’t know why. You don’t know how to heal yourself. An existence lost due to the foolishness, ignorance, and vanity of a medical profession without Faith.

  • Illnesses

    Illness is a state of our Body, but this state is a reflection of who we are deep down. Certainly, we can fall, injure ourselves accidentally, simply from ourselves, because we humans are free and we have the choice in the paths we take, and the roads we travel on. But what is within us, or what is not, we can only heal or bring it by listening very carefully to our Body.

  • Teaching of diseases

    Disease is a teaching. Never forget this, because otherwise what awaits you is the ultimate teaching, death and return to Our Father to recover “your senses” and continue your path!